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Boost Your Immune System: Drink More Water

brillianwatertech • Jul 17, 2020
About 60% of the human body is made up of water. From our heart and brains, to our lungs and kidneys, to even our blood, we are composed of one common element which is water.
In today's world, our immune system has had to step up to the challenge to battle all different kinds of viruses, bacteria, fungi and toxins in order to keep our bodies healthy and strong. After shaking hands, opening doors, pressing buttons, pushing shopping carts and any of the other daily hands on activities we do day in and day out, water will become your sword and shield in helping your body and immune system stay healthy, alert and ready.

Water Regulates Body Temperature
Keeping yourself hydrated is crucial in keeping the temperature of your body at a safe level, especially during physical activity and warm weather. When your body sweats, it needs water in order to replenish the water it looses.

Water Aids in Digestion
Research shows that drinking water before and after a meal helps break down the food that you eat.  

Fighting Off Illnesses
Drinking enough water can help eliminate certain illnesses or help ease the symptoms of certain illnesses.
Man Enjoying His Water — Mandeville, LA — Brilliant Water Technologies
  • Urinary Tract Infections
  • Kidney Stones
  • Hypertension
  • Constipation
  • Helps absorb vitamins and nutrients from food
  • Alkaline water regulates the pH levels in the body to help prevent various chronic diseases.

Brain Function
Our brains are made up of 73% water, so it is no secret that water is the key to keeping your brain in it's best health. This can affect your focus, alertness, and short-term memory.

Bad Moods
Lack of hydration can cause fatigue, anxiety and confusion.  

Healthy Skin
Drinking enough water can help keep skin hydrated and could promote collagen production, giving your skin a radiant glow!

The Conclusion?
Water is essential for all life, even down to the smallest of cells. Staying hydrated is key to maintaining a healthy body and mind. Start and end your day with water, your body will thank you for it! 
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